Blog Archives - Dental Brothers

Nutrition’s Impact on Dental Health

March 19, 2024
Discover how a balanced diet, rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins, can dramatically enhance your dental health and prevent disease.

What is Dentophobia?

November 20, 2018
Do you get nervous when you think about going to the dentist? Do you avoid appointments or tell yourself the problems with your mouth are “no big deal” instead of going to a cleaning or having your teeth looked at? You’re not alone, and you might have dentophobia. Understanding Dentophobia A lot of people are […]

Why Bad Teeth Shouldn’t Keep You From Going to the Dentist

September 28, 2018
Some dental fears and anxieties come from traumatic experience or anxiety that permeates other parts of your life. But there are some fears that have more to do with potential judgment and shame than anything else. If you’re ashamed or embarrassed by what your teeth look like, you might not want to see a dentist. […]

Are All Kids Afraid of the Dentist?

June 20, 2018
The short answer to this common question is that no, all children aren’t automatically afraid of the dentist. It’s age-appropriate for small children to be uncomfortable with strangers or to whine or cry during an examination. This is more a fear of the unknown than a fear of the dentist. Children react and respond to […]

Can You Eat or Drink Before Dental Sedation?

May 16, 2018
There are many forms of dental sedation and many reasons each option is used on a specific patient or during a certain dental procedure. Because sedation is a form of medication, you may wonder if you can eat or drink before you’re sedated. The answer, as with most things, is that it depends. As caring […]

9 Reasons You Might Not Be a Good Candidate for Dental Sedation

March 28, 2018
The vast majority of dental patients can use some form of sedation during a dental procedure to help reduce fears, calm anxieties or get through a long procedure with less stress. To make sure you’re a good candidate for any form of dental sedation, it’s important to share your full medical history with your trusted […]

21 Books to Help Your Child Not Be Afraid of the Dentist

March 14, 2018
No one wants their child to be afraid of anything, and definitely not necessary medical care like going to the dentist or seeing a doctor. Help your child visit the dentist without fear by making it a normal and not scary part of life. Have easier visits by making sure your children know what to […]

How Being Afraid of the Dentist Impacts Your Life

February 28, 2018
While neglecting your oral health might not harm you in the way that ignoring heart attack systems can, not seeing the dentist because you’re afraid can have a big impact on your life. Fear is the biggest reason why most people don’t go to the dentist for regular check-ups or when there’s a problem. Your […]

8 Procedures That Could Require Dental Sedation

February 14, 2018
Dental sedation isn’t right for every patient or in every dental procedure. Many patients never need help relaxing, regardless of the procedure. If, however, your fear of the dentist interferes with your dental health or your pain creates added anxiety, sedation may be the best option to help you. Sedation may also be a good […]

Is Dental Sedation Safe for Kids?

January 24, 2018
As a parent, what you want most is to keep your children healthy and safe. Part of that is bringing them in for regular dental check-ups. Just like adults, some kids have extreme dental anxieties and fears. For these patients, dental sedation is sometimes the only option. In other cases, small children need big procedures, […]
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