Tobacco Smoking Vs Oral Hygene

Tobacco and Dental HygeneHere at Dental Brothers we want to encourage you to take whatever steps are necessary to stop smoking or using any form of tobacco. However, as dental providers, we will meet you where you are. We will not hassle you, but we are going do all that we can to support you in stopping the use of tobacco. Because we deeply care about your health, we feel that you ought to know some important facts about your oral hygiene that are unique to users of tobacco. You need to be aware of these issues so that you can be proactive in your oral health care.

Facts About Tobacco Use and Oral Hygiene

If You Just Can’t Quit…

Stopping the use of tobacco is easier said than done. According to the American Lung Association, six out of ten smokers were not able to quit on their first attempt. However, if you have tried unsuccessfully several times to quit, you should keep these facts in mind.

Quitting Altogether is Safest

While taking the above precautions is good, they are still no substitute for quitting tobacco use altogether. There is no level of tobacco use that is “safe.” Each year over 8,000 people die from oral cancer, and 90 percent of those people are tobacco users.

However, it is never too late to stop smoking. Even people who have been diagnosed with oral cancer will benefit from quitting the use of tobacco products. Only 6 percent of those who stop using tobacco after developing oral cancer develop more cancerous spots. However, when oral cancer patients don’t stop smoking, 37 percent of them have cancer recurrences. Some studies have indicated that previous smokers who haven’t used tobacco products for over ten years have similar oral cancer risks to those who never used these products at all.

Those who have stopped smoking have reported the following benefits:

And those are just the benefits that those patients realize. If you read medical literature, you will find that giving up tobacco products will help improve your blood pressure, lower your risk of stroke and heart attack, and greatly decrease your chance of developing many kinds of cancer.

If you want to give up tobacco, we here at Dental Brothers would be glad to help you and give you support services that you may need. Some insurance plans may offer counseling to help you quit, and we will be privileged to be the ones to get you started in a tobacco-free lifestyle. It is hard to quit smoking or using another form of tobacco. However, it is definitely worth it.



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