cracked tooth Archives - Dental Brothers

What To Do When Your Tooth Hurts

February 7, 2019
Tooth pain can range from minor discomfort that only occurs when you eat hot or cold foods to a throbbing pain that can be excruciating. The type you experience varies based on the dental condition you may have and how severe the condition is. If you have a toothache, you may have many questions. You […]

What are Common Dental Emergencies?

December 21, 2018
It’s easy to take your teeth for granted until they start causing you problems. While some problems are minor and can wait for a scheduled appointment, others are considered dental emergencies that require immediate care. How do you know when you should look for emergency dentists in Phoenix or Mesa? Learn more about some of […]

What to Do If You Have a Broken Tooth

May 23, 2018
Your tooth may crack, chip, or break for a lot more reasons than you realize. It’s not just falls, car accidents, and hits to the face or mouth that can harm your teeth. Biting down on something hard, severe cavities that go untreated, and old fillings that no longer work properly may be the culprit, […]

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