What to Do if You Have a Dental Emergency Over Thanksgiving

While enjoying Thanksgiving dinner, the last thing you want to deal with is an emergency. With most dental offices closed on this holiday, it’s important to know what you should do if you end up having a toothache, broken tooth, or other problem. Keep the following in mind, so you’ll know how to handle a dental emergency that happens during Thanksgiving.


ToothacheHaving a toothache on Thanksgiving can be a nuisance, but you don’t necessarily need to head to the emergency room. If you have a mild toothache, take over-the-counter pain relievers and put a cold compress on the outside of your mouth in the affected area to help reduce soreness. You should also floss to make sure you don’t have turkey or any other food stuck between the tooth that hurts and the one next to it. If you have a severe toothache, a fever, or concerns that don’t get better after taking pain relievers, seek emergency care instead of waiting for a dental appointment.

Broken Tooth or Chipped Tooth

If you break or chip a tooth during your Thanksgiving feast, try to save the chipped or broken pieces. Place these in warm salt water after rinsing them off. In some cases, these pieces can be reattached to your tooth. You can wait to see an emergency dentist in Mesa or Phoenix until the office is open unless you experience bleeding. If you have bleeding, go to the emergency room for immediate treatment. This helps lower your risk of infection and prevents excessive blood loss from occurring.

Dislodged Crown

Dislodged CrownBiting into or chewing on some candies, pies, or other Thanksgiving treats could dislodge a crown. You can put denture adhesive or dental cement on the inside of your crown, then place it back on your tooth. If you don’t have these items, store your crown safely and take it to your dental appointment. Avoid using superglue to secure your crown.

Lost Filling

If a filling falls out during dinner, you don’t necessarily have to rush to the emergency room. You should rinse off the pieces of your filling, then store them in warm salt water to save them for your appointment. Apply gauze to the tooth if it bleeds, and use a pain reliever for discomfort. You should seek emergency care if there is a lot of bleeding from your tooth.

When to Seek Immediate Care

When to Seek Immediate CareIn some cases, it’s important to seek emergency dental care to prevent potentially serious complications from occurring. If you have this type of dental emergency, you should head to the closest emergency room rather than waiting for a dental appointment. Dental problems that require immediate care include the following.

Knocked Out Tooth

A knocked out tooth should be treated promptly in order to save it, so that you won’t need to have it replaced. You should gently rinse your tooth if it’s dirty, but avoid scrubbing it or taking off any tissue that’s still attached to it. You can try to place your tooth back in the socket and keep it secure with gauze. If you can’t get it back into the socket, place your tooth in a clean container with salt water or milk and bring it to the emergency room with you. Keep in mind that you’ll have the best chance at successfully saving your tooth if it’s treated within 30 minutes.

Broken Jaw

A broken jaw needs emergency care to ensure that it heals properly. If you have a broken jaw, you should secure it in place using a towel or scarf, but be careful not to move it around. While heading to the emergency room, place a cold compress on the affected area to relieve swelling and discomfort.

Abscess or Infection

Infections and abscesses in your mouth can spread to other parts of your body, which could become life-threatening. Abscesses can burst open, making it easier for bacteria to spread. If you have signs of a tooth or jaw infection or an abscess in your gums, go to the nearest emergency room for treatment, which typically includes antibiotics. An abscess might show up as a small, swollen area on your gums. Signs of an infection include redness, swelling and pain. You might also have a fever if you have an infection.


If you have a dental emergency this Thanksgiving, contact Dental Brothers. Our team can provide you with emergency dental care in Phoenix and Mesa.

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