Tooth Decay Archives - Dental Brothers

How Long Does It Take to Get Dental Implants?

November 7, 2018
If you’ve done your research on getting dental implants, you’ve probably read all about the actual procedure from bone grafting to the final abutment being placed. But with all that goes into a dental implant procedure, the unanswered question is often, “But how long will it all take?” The short answer? It depends. In some […]

4 Preventable Dental Emergencies

October 19, 2018
Not every dental emergency is preventable. Accidents happen all the time, and when they do, you need a dentist who can see you as soon as possible. But not every dental problem will happen out of nowhere. Many emergencies and problems are completely preventable. Here are four preventable dental emergencies and what you can to […]

7 Common Problems with Your Teeth

November 3, 2017
For most of your life, you’ve heard you need to brush your teeth twice a day, floss regularly, and visit your preferred dentist at least twice a year. Neglecting even basic dental care can turn into a nightmare for your smile, your gums, and your teeth. Of course, sometimes, even when you do everything right, […]

What are Cavities & How Can I Prevent Them?

July 12, 2016
Cavities – that’s a word you don’t want to hear when you’re at the dentist’s office or anywhere else, but just exactly what are they? Cavity is another word for tooth decay. When teeth decay, or break down, it causes holes to form in them. These holes in teeth can grow bigger, and deeper, over […]

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