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Why Your Dental Health May Contribute to Dental Anxiety

April 15, 2019
Having poor dental health or “bad” teeth can lead to feeling anxious about going to the dentist. If you have poor dental health, it is extremely important to see a dentist in Phoenix,  but your anxiety may prevent you from making or going to the appointment. Fortunately, understanding how you can overcome it may help […]

Easing Dental Anxiety in Children: What Your Dentist Can Do

March 29, 2019
Going to the dentist in Mesa can be stressful for people of all ages, but certain children may really struggle with fears associated with dental visits. Many children have a hard time when faced with new situations, and when you add in the sights, smells, and sensations of a dental visit, many kids just can’t […]

How You Can Cope with Dental Anxiety

February 20, 2019
It is estimated that between nine and 20 percent of Americans avoid visiting a dentist regularly simply because of fear and anxiety. Failing to go to the dentist routinely can have significant consequences. Small dental problems can turn into larger ones that require more time, effort and money to correct, and these problems can affect […]

6 Ways Dental Sedation Can Improve Your Dental Health

January 29, 2019
Not everyone is comfortable visiting the dentist. For some people, just the thought of making an appointment can trigger anxiety, nervousness, or fear. Fortunately, dental sedation can be used to help those who may be scared, nervous or anxious. Sedation techniques may include laughing gas, oral sedation, or IV sedation, depending on the patient and […]

5 Tips for Dealing with Dental Anxiety

January 22, 2019
While many people dislike having routine dental work done, dental anxiety is more than just an unpleasant feeling associated with going to the dentist. For up to 15 percent of the United States population, dental anxiety may be paralyzing. These people may have sick or panicky feelings when even thinking about dental appointments. They may dread […]

What is Dentophobia?

November 20, 2018
Do you get nervous when you think about going to the dentist? Do you avoid appointments or tell yourself the problems with your mouth are “no big deal” instead of going to a cleaning or having your teeth looked at? You’re not alone, and you might have dentophobia. Understanding Dentophobia A lot of people are […]

What are the Symptoms of Dental Anxiety?

October 5, 2018
Not wanting to go to the dentist isn’t always about fear and anxiety. Sometimes you just don’t want to do it. It’s not always fun or exciting, and it can feel strange to have someone poking around in your mouth. But for some patients, it’s not about wanting to do something else. They dread going […]

Why Bad Teeth Shouldn’t Keep You From Going to the Dentist

September 28, 2018
Some dental fears and anxieties come from traumatic experience or anxiety that permeates other parts of your life. But there are some fears that have more to do with potential judgment and shame than anything else. If you’re ashamed or embarrassed by what your teeth look like, you might not want to see a dentist. […]

15 Facts About Dental Sedation

August 15, 2018
When you’re afraid to go to the dentist, you might think you don’t have any options but to avoid it all together or go even though your knees are knocking. The truth is that dental sedation helps a lot of people get the care they need and keep their teeth, gums, and mouth healthy. If […]

4 Reasons Why You’re Afraid of the Dentist

August 8, 2018
Not everyone is afraid of the dentist, but a lot of people are, and it impacts their oral health every day. The things to be afraid of sometimes seem endless: drills, pain, needles, doctors, blood, having someone poking around in your mouth. You don’t have to feel bad about your fears and anxieties, but you’ve […]
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