How You Can Cope with Dental Anxiety

It is estimated that between nine and 20 percent of Americans avoid visiting a dentist regularly simply because of fear and anxiety. Failing to go to the dentist routinely can have significant consequences. Small dental problems can turn into larger ones that require more time, effort and money to correct, and these problems can affect your overall health.

If you have dental fears or anxiety, there are many things that you can do to cope with your feelings. Here are a few of the most common techniques that you can try.

Talking With the Dentist

Talking With the DentistOne of the reasons you may feel anxious or fearful is because you don’t know what to expect. You may be unsure of how painful a procedure is or you may not fully understand the procedure that will be taking place. If you are suffering from dental anxiety, take the time to sit down prior to your appointment and discuss these fears with the dentist. In some cases, simply talking about it and gathering an understanding of what will happen and what you can expect can help to calm you and ease any fears that you may have.

Utilizing Breathing Techniques

Another way that you can cope with dental anxiety is through meditation and breathing techniques. Meditation and breathing techniques have long been used to help people who are struggling with negative emotions, including anxiety, fear and anger. There are many different types of breathing techniques and meditation techniques out there. Some include simply taking a deep breath, holding it in for a few seconds and exhaling, while others may involve you envisioning yourself in your happy place. Learn about different techniques and try them out to find out which may work best for you.

Finding a Distraction

Finding a DistractionIf you suffer from dental anxiety, finding and staying distracted may be another way that you can overcome the fear and anxiety that you are feeling. For some people, putting on headphones, closing their eyes and listening to music helps drown out the sounds around them, helping them to ease their anxiety. Other people download a movie or TV show to their tablet or smartphone and bring that to watch while they are at the dentist. In fact, some dental offices have now taken to placing televisions on the ceiling for those who wish to watch something during a procedure. Finding a distraction is a great way to stop thinking about your dental procedure and shifting your focus to something else.

Getting Hypnotized

Those who suffer from severe dental anxiety and fear may benefit from hypnosis. Hypnosis has been shown to help change the mindset of an individual. This can help in a variety of instances. Hypnosis can help smokers stop smoking, can help with weight loss, can help with pain management and can help reduce anxiety and stress. It is important to note that hypnosis cannot help everyone. Some people simply cannot be hypnotized. However, it can be a great option if you are open to it and willing to try it.

Taking Advantage of Dental Sedation

Taking Advantage of Dental SedationThe final tool that can be used to help you cope with dental anxiety is dental sedation. Dental sedation can be used to help calm you and ease your nerves so you can have a dental procedure completed. There are different types of dental sedation that are offered. This often includes IV sedation and analgesia nitrous oxide, which is also known as laughing gas. The exact type of sedation that you will receive varies on your anxiety level, the length of the procedure that you need performed and any potential health problems you may have. Some sedation options allow you to stay awake, while others put you right to sleep. A dentist who offers sedation dentistry in Mesa will sit down with you and determine the best type of sedation for you.


Are you in need of dental work but have put it off due to fear or anxiety? Here at Dental Brothers, we can use dental sedation to help ease your anxiety and ensure you are comfortable throughout the process. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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